Inspire gift card holders what to buy
And generate additional revenue

500.000+ matches
We’ve succesfully matched over 500.000 gift card holders with a great product they love in 2023
$ 9.8 Billion CAD
The Canadian gift card market will grow to $238 billion CAD by 2026
4.322 retailers
Across the globe are working with Giftomatic, receiving traffic & sales every day
Proud member

Giftomatic is a revolution
This is why Gift card companies use Giftomatic
The better the experience of the card holder, the more positive reviews you will receive.
By implementing the Giftomatic tools, card holders can search across the products of all connected retailers. This makes it much easier to find the product they wish to purchase in the store that they prefer.
Many card holders don’t know what to buy with their card. Giftomatic algorithms inspire with popular categories and products.
Giftomatic offers a unique way to monetize gift card redemptions.
Giftomatic has partnerships with hundreds of participating retailers (e.g. Asos), who want Giftomatic to promote their products via a special product feed. These are high converting & high margin products. Giftomatic agreed on a commission structure, and shares a part of this commission with the gift card company.
Every month you can receive a report with the results and a payslip.
The commission paid is for the entire order value, which includes the overspent.
Giftomatic generates aggregated anonymous (GDPR compliant) data while card holders are shopping. This data helps you getting a better picture of your card holders.
What to expect?
- Get to know the total ordervalue per webshop
- Learn product & category interests of card holders

For Retailers
Boosting sales was never that easy
Retailers love to promote products via Giftomatic. Here’s why.
Giftomatic reaches highly motivated shoppers. These shoppers have “free money” to spend. This results in the fact that they’re less hunting for bargains, buy more luxury goods and are more impulsive buying.
Giftomatic empowers retailers to show the best converting products to these shoppers – who are early in the salesfunnel.
Giftomatic reaches over 50.000 shoppers on a daily basis, which results in a lot of eyeballs on products and brands.
Card holders who see products from a retailer, learn about their productrange and the brand gets more “top of mind”.
Besides awareness, Giftomatic drives significant amounts of traffic to the sites of retailers. Unless an online purchase is generated, this traffic is free of charge.
With Giftomatic the gift card program for retailers become more profitable.
Giftomatic offers retailers many possibilities to sell high margin products. Special productfeeds and productboosts are possible and improves the quality of the search engine and results for the retailer.
A complete suite of tools
Giftomatic offers a range of white label tools. These can be implemented on your site, and contain your style & content.
Search engine
The search engine works like Google shopping, but now solely for your gift card. With one search query a card holder can discover if and where a product is sold.
The ones not knowing what to buy yet (there are many!) card holders are inspired with the most popular products and categories.

Unwrap experience
Offer a great experience for a consumer who just received a gift card, directly or via swapping a multi-choice card. It shows card terms and inspires with the most popular products.
We even added confetti!
Product Promotions
With this snippet, webpages and emails can be enriched with the most popular products, showing card holders immediately what they can buy with their card.
Products are dynamically loaded based on smart algorithms.

Gain valuable insights on spend behaviour
Receive aggregated data about card holders and the online transactions they make.
Endless possibilities
Which products are popular? What is the average order value? Which productcategories do card holders love? And what is the overspent exactly?
Answers to these questions can be found in the datareports that Giftomatic is sharing with its partners.
This data is aggregated. No individual or personal information is collected or generated at all. Giftomatic is fully GDPR compliant.
Giftomatic treats data that is generated by your card holders strictly confidential.

About Giftomatic
Giftomatic is an innovative tech-company from Amsterdam offering tools to enable Gift card companies reaching their goals.
The idea of Giftomatic is born in 2018. Erik and Sander both found some expired gift cards, leaving them a bit frustrated. On a Friday afternoon in a pub in Haarlem, they believed they could apply their knowledge of affiliate marketing and building digital platforms, to the gift card industry.
Giftomatic is founded in Amsterdam in 2019 by Sander Vessies, Coen Baars and Erik Zeilinga.
Network & experience
The 3 founders have been in the affiliate industry since 2006 and have experience from publisher, network and advertiser perspective. They build digital applications that have been used by millions of users (e.g. with over 10M users) and have a very strong international network in affiliate marketing.
Giftomatic has 1 focus: optimize gift card tools for card holders & affiliate partnerships. This results in an ever improved user experience, new innovations and the highest payouts possible.